'Daydream' inspired by a visit to Mr John Bent's garden
'Daydream' inspired by a visit to Mr John Bent's garden

Painted after an autumn visit to a very special garden near Warrington, UK. I love to capture memories of places and people that mean a lot to me. Mr John is an artist too, in the way he gardens, plus being an exceptional photographer. The title gives reference to a special something in the scene. Perhaps you can see it.

Ref: 15" x 11" Bockingford 200Ib CP paper (mounted)

Date: 13/11/2018

Medium watercolour

Photographer: own reference

'Daydream' inspired by a visit to Mr John Bent's garden

Painted after an autumn visit to a very special garden near Warrington, UK. I love to capture memories of places and people that mean a lot to me. Mr John is an artist too, in the way he gardens, plus being an exceptional photographer. The title gives reference to a special something in the scene. Perhaps you can see it.

Ref: 15" x 11" Bockingford 200Ib CP paper (mounted)

Date: 13/11/2018

Medium watercolour

Photographer: own reference