'Trio of Magellenic Penguins'
'Trio of Magellenic Penguins'

'Trio of Magellenic Penguins' watercolour 30.5cm x 23cm (9" x 12").

These are my favourites at our local zoo and just last year, 2023 their enclosure was given a total update including a sandy area alongside the pool.

Ref: Watercolour inspired from visit to local zoo

Date: 13/11/2015

Medium Watercolour

Photographer: Own reference

'Trio of Magellenic Penguins'

'Trio of Magellenic Penguins' watercolour 30.5cm x 23cm (9" x 12").

These are my favourites at our local zoo and just last year, 2023 their enclosure was given a total update including a sandy area alongside the pool.

Ref: Watercolour inspired from visit to local zoo

Date: 13/11/2015

Medium Watercolour

Photographer: Own reference